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Brackets and Jam Inc. is now registered as a signatory to the Statement of Principles for the Recognition of Volunteers.

The NSW Government developed these principles to promote dignity, care and respect in volunteer workplaces.

Signatory organisations are encouraged to use a new certificate and stickers to promote the Statement of Principles to peer organisations.

Adoption of the Statement of Principles has extended fairness in the workplace to more that 775,000 volunteers in over 370 organisations.

More information on the positive impact of the Statement of Principles for the Recognition of Volunteers is available here.


Our organisation upholds these principles of care, respect and dignity for all our people:

  • This organisation demonstrates a commitment to best practice in volunteer management and all our people respect and support this commitment
  • Our volunteers are involved in the life of the organisation and are included in decisions that affect them
  • This organisation provides volunteers with clarity about their roles and is clear about expectations and policies that impact on their roles
  • Our volunteers respect the roles of everyone in the organisation
  • This organisation recognises and celebrates the contribution of volunteers
  • Our volunteers are provided with training and professional development for their roles
  • This organisation provides all our people with the opportunity to resolve disputes with respect and dignity

Our Certificate can be downloaded here


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